Monday, July 14, 2008

Fun again

I swear Isaiah caught something at Six Flags, because on June 30th, Isaiah started sneezing. This progressed into a runny nose and cough. On Wednesday, July 2nd, Isaiah had a fever. I am never sure when I'm supposed to take Isaiah to the doctor...or even call, for that matter. I figured his fever wasn't high enough to do anything about but watch. But he wasn't eating all week. His eyes were all puffy and swollen, and he just looked...tired. He was really whiny and I felt so bad for him. I hate it when he hurts. He shouldn't have to! I "worked from home" on Thursday so I could also keep an eye on Isaiah. Poor thing was so miserable. He wasn't eating much, either. Finally, Vince got home at around 5 (or a little before), complained of getting a speeding ticket...and was miserable. Then, I had Vince hold Isaiah on his lap in the kitchen while I tried to feed him. He was fine....he inhaled the broccoli and crackers I gave him. Then, he coughed a little bit...and then...projectile barfed all over the floor!!! That is the first time Isaiah has ever thrown up. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes; I felt so helpless! Vince started to freak out because it smelled bad and he said he was going to throw up himself just from the smell. Give me a break! So he held Isaiah out in front of him and I stripped his clothes off really fast (they had barf on them) and told him to run upstairs and put him in the tub. I cleaned up the kitchen floor after. I used to wonder what I would do when my own child would throw up....I thought I would freak out and wouldn't be able to handle it. But, it was fine! Vince freaked out the way I thought I would.

Anyway, Isaiah felt better on the 4th, luckily, and we took him to a party and then came home to watch Vince light fireworks at our neighbor's house. Isaiah wasn't scared of the fireworks at all, which was weird. He actually lost interest after a while and starting running all over the place. He's hard to keep up with these days! I'd say that his cold/flu/whatever it was has finally taken its full course, as Isaiah's nose stopped running a couple days ago. He's healthy again, phew.

Isaiah's vocabulary at 13 months:
momma (more like mum-muh)
mmmm (when he eats and it's good)
at (for cat)
moo (if you ask him what a cow says, kind of sounds like "boo")
grrrr (if you ask him what a lion says, and he also clenches his fists and shakes his body)
ack ack (supposed to be "quack quack," when you ask him what a duck says)
shoes (duh, for shoes...he usually runs and grabs his shoes)
a sdat (for "what's that?" I think...or maybe it's nothing and he's mumbling...but he points and says this usually)
hot (duh, for hot...sometimes sounds like "up")
up (duh, for up)
saiah saiah saiah (for Isaiah, I think)
ish (have no idea what this means, but he says it a lot)

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